OpenVMS Forum Eindhoven, November 2024.
On November 12-13, 2024 the second edition of the European OpenVMS Forum took place.
An event, organized by VMS people for VMS peopleThis event brought together OpenVMS professionals from all over Europe who wanted to keep up to date with the latest developments in the OpenVMS world and meet their peers.
It was (again) a great success, as some of these pictures will demonstrate.
Attendees were enthousiastic about the content of this seminar and really appreciated that this event provided many opportunities to reconnect with their colleagues.
We already look forward to the next Forum
In the mean time you can download the presentation material from the following list:
Organization | Speaker | Subject (click to download) |
BGS | Gerrit Woertman | Welcome and introduction |
VMS Software | Darya Zelenina | VSI strategy |
VMS Software | Camiel Vanderhoeven | Platform choices |
VMS Software | Camiel Vanderhoeven | Compiler update |
VMS Software | Camiel Vanderhoeven | Technical Directions |
EuroVMS | Johan Michiels | Modern OpenVMS System Management |
Consultant | Han Pieterse | NIS2 and OpenVMS |
Mimer | Karl-König Königsson | Mimer-SQL database on OpenVMS for x86 |
HP Enterprise | Jan van Steenis | OpenVMS storage solutions |
Oracle | Kevin Duffy | Oracle on OpenVMS for x86 update |
OpenSource | Fekko Stubbe | How to use DIX to clean up old DCL procedures |
Software AG | José De Vogelaere | CONNX: a solution for legacy data integration |
Willowtech | Gary Clueit | MQ on OpenVMS current status and roadmap |
VX Company | Gerard Klein Bluemink | OpenVMS services in Europe |
AVTware | Ralf van Diesen | Storage & Backup solutions on virtual VAX and Alpha |
Bitco | Hans Bachner | Emulation solutions/ |
Volvo Cars | Toine Dirven | Manufacturing Applications at Volvo Cars |
WDB Tech | Wolfgang Burger | SharkSQL database - development update |

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